Saturday, December 21, 2019

Review: Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great book on negotiation, very practical and easily implementable on your day-to-day work, and very easy to read. Should be mandatory, among others, on every sales capabilities program!

It's a great (if not mandatory) complement to the hard-skills you should know about negotiation and challenged several beliefs that i had and it made me think on how to approach every negotiation process.

Beside reading it, i will study it and will definitely read my notes every time i will enter a more demanding negotiation process to complement the other negotiation tools that i already have in my negotiation strategy bag-pack.

Concepts like:(i) Labels/Accusation Audit, (ii) Calibrated Questions; (iii) Questions to identify deal killers; (iv) how to diffuse deal-killing issues; (v) how to leverage noncash offers, (vi) identify black swans; (vi) how to set goals to maximize your possible outcome (not settle with one that is in the ZOPA range); (vii) how to be a mirror; (viii) how to master the No and get "That's right" moment, etc...are of great value!

Would be great if you do not read it so i can have leverage on the next negotiation process.

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dynamic Pricing Silver Bullet?

Fully agree with this great post! When you only have (want to sell) a hammer everything looks like a nail. Every solution has its value and should be applied accordingly and we should avoid to go with the latest trend flow and thoroughly assess the pros & cons and look at the value fundamentals. "...The conflation of willingness to pay and differentiated value has to come to an end. Willingness to pay is an outcome of the creation, communication and delivery of differentiated value. It is an outcome and not a driver. Pretending that you understand value because you can estimate willingness to pay is wrong headed. ..."

Review: The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably

The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably by Thomas T. Nagle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good text book on pricing in its strategic and tactical perspective. Decided to read it in order to shore-up my Pricing knowledge and it was of great utility. I do recommend its reading for someone that wants to know more about pricing, to the professionals already working to provide a sound framework to their day-to-day activities and allow better decisions that have implicit a tremendous value to the overall organizations they work for.

It provides pricing theory as deemed needed (and if you want to explore more you have a plethora of references you can explore), but it's practical text book that applies the theory presented to actual cases and guides you through such important strategic process. Even in the field on how to determine the pricing level (value, pricing elasticities, etc...) always have a pragmatic and practical approach that one can use immediately.

Pricing is presented where the push comes to shove. i.e. when every company captures the value it has previously created and you can see a lot of value be siphoned away due to bad practices.

From all the applicable concepts presented, i would like to highlight the following:
- The Value Cascade - great representation on how to manage value and then pricing. An how you spill value in each caption
- How to define the best value to your customer;
- How to estimate the economic value estimation (economic vs. psychological);
- How to create break-even sales curves vs. pure elasticities (difficult to estimate in real markets)
- Ethics and law - also a good chapter that push-back some preconceived ideas and limitations,

Do recommend its reading and have it readily available for every pricing professional.

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Review: Competitor Intelligence: How to Get It; How to Use It

Competitor Intelligence: How to Get It; How to Use It Competitor Intelligence: How to Get It; How to Use It by Leonard M. Fuld
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Read this book based on a recommendation/reference given in another book i was reading, that i liked and do recommend (The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing).

The real classification would be between the 1 and 2 stars, finally i decided to go with a 2 stars due to a couple of good insights and especially to show me that we should always strive to be creative when we do not have readily accessible the intelligence we would find relevant for our own analysis.

It´s a clearly a dated book (1985) and it does not provide sound and practical building blocks to approach the competitor intelligence area of study. It's more a guide where to find data to support such discipline/function, that although most probably relevant for the 1980, it is clearly outdated to a 2020 reader.

The positive, if you take a very positive attitude and try to conceptualize some chapters of the book, you can define your own framework based on the potential difficulties and problems one can find while performing such important task of producing intelligence, mainly by knowing the constraints you have in the public available information on basic sources, and how to find/leverage creative sources of information and even use the some basic sources.

You should strive "mutatis mutandi" to apply some of the tools presented to the reality of 2020 and with that extract the most value of its reading.

In nutshell, if you want to learn something on this subject, this would not be book a i would recommend,

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Monday, October 21, 2019

O-Ring Theory of Development and its importance on a company organization, HR, output & wages

Came across this economic theory by chance (on the Marginal Revolution Blog - Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok) and it was surprisingly insightful, simple and helped to structure my line of thought on the areas of: Management, Organization setup and the importance of Areas of Excellence within an organization. 

Additionally, it also explains the pay gap between excellent (A-players) and very good & below associates (B/C/D - Players).

I strongly advise you to see the video of 19 minutes that provides a great overview of this theory (so you can also understand the math).

So the O-Ring Theory of Development (Michael Kremer, 1993) is underpinned by the following assumptions:
  1. Production (broad sense) depends on completing a number of tasks;
  2. Failure or quality curtailment of any task reduces the entire product (weakest link problem);
  3. Quantity cannot substitute quality (2 mediocre Finance Directors will not do a better job than a great Finance Director)
If you take a broad approach to this production function you have a company or even an entire economy.

Main practical deliverables of such theory:
  • Quality matching - you should put your high quality workers together (preferentially allocated to the company areas of excellence, based on its value chain) and the other workers (B/C) also together, instead of mixing them up, as the results will be significantly better;
  • Higher quality it will imply better results (i.e. better outputs)
  • Higher outputs/results will result in better wages (macroeconomics 101) for any organization & that the function Output/Wages is not linear
  • The wage distribution is severely skewed to the right and the talent distribution follows a normal distribution (that is why small incremental talent on the top decile can have a significant impact on the associates wages);
  • Workers performing in high-skill firms will have higher wages than low-skill firms (look at the wage gap of tech/pharma companies compared with other industries);
  • Talent attracts Talent - High quality worker will want to work with other of the same standards (virtuous cycle)
  • There is an tremendous incentive to invest in skills/quality of the workers (company and and associates)
  • This theory has several "equilibria", meaning that if your are surrounded by high quality workers it pays-off to invest in becoming one, but if you are within a non-high quality organization it does not pay-off to invest, as your higher potential output will be severely curtailed by the others;
  • Capital will be allocated to high quality organizations or within the organization to the areas with the highest quality potential - so if you are investing within your organization make sure you have your A-team on that area.
You can think your organization is performing several activities throughout your value chain, thus applying this theory you can identify bottlenecks, linkages and complementarities and don't forget where are your areas of excellence based on the Value Proposition so you can have your A-players on it!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

IMF - Europe 18/10/2019

IMF - Europe 18/10/2019 takeaways:

  • Slowdown across advanced Europe from 1,4% to 1.3% specially in Germany, Italy and UK, due to trade tensions and Brexit. 2020 modest recovery of the grwoth rate to 1,5%;
  • Demand is strong and it's underpinned by a strong labor market;
  • Fiscal policy should be used for the countries with potential expansionary policy slack (Germany / Netherlands) however there are countries that still should be focusing on fiscal consolidation (southern countries);
  • Monetary policy should be accommodative as is being implemented by ECB to avoid a recession, however such policy is depletive of potential future monetary policies;
  • Emerging Europe is also reducing its growth prospects, still expected to grow at 3,7% and on 2020 at 3,1%;
  • Long-term problems remain - productivity and demographics in advanced Europe should be addressed and  Emerging Europe should improve macro-economic policies to tackle structural problems and promote institutions reforms & its governance k«

Friday, October 18, 2019

World Economic Outlook, October 2019 - IMF - Synchronized Slowdown

IMF published on October, 15th 2019 the World Economic Outlook, that reinforces the projections of a synchronized slowdown for the world economy.

My key takeaways:
  • 2019 growth rate at 3% for 2019 (below PIIE forecast) and 3,4% for 2020 vs. 3,8% in 2018 due to trade barriers, low productive growth and aging demographics in advanced economies; 
  • Advanced economies should slowdown to 1,7% and converging to their potential;
  • Downside risk to this projection has significantly increased (trade barriers, geopolitical tensions and Brexit)
  • 2020 is expected to go at a slighter better pace driven by emerging markets and base effect, i.e. that global trade activity and manufacturing is so slow in 2019 that 2020 is just picking-up to normal values resulting in a increase of the global growth;
  • No recession is foreseen for the next 12 months;
  • Trade tensions between US/China (self-inflicted) produced a toll of 0.8% on the world economy,
  • Monetary easing in the main economies (USA/EU) is providing a tail wind to the world economy by 0,5%, although it creates additional risks as this preemptive accommodative monetary policy reduce space to fight a potential future recession
  • If world economic growth drops to 2,5% it would imply that several advanced economies would be in a recession, thus there is no space to policy missteps;
  • Monetary policy cannot not be the only answer to offset this downward trend and fiscal policy should be brought into the game in countries with budget space to accommodate such expansionary policies

World Economic Outlook, October 2019 - IMF

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ideas on solving the Pricing Puzzle - Based on a BCG article

Excellent BCG article on Pricing based on a Wealth management example, although in my opinion applicable to any industry.

What are my main conclusions:

  1. Pricing (in all its dimensions) is a key component of a company strategy, not just a tactic lever one should/could use;
  2. The top quartile pricing performers have significant better overall results
  3. Smart pricing has 4 main components:
    • Proper client segmentation (avoid broad-based segmentation on external characteristics easy to define, but on customer behavior and required service levels) ;
    • Have a clear value proposition for each segment;
    • Optimize the price structure for each segment
    • Constantly reassess the above, making it a process and not a 1 time yearly event
      • have a clear pricing strategy;
      • favor quality over quantity - start small, test, pivot (if needed) and only then deploy. Each company, division, product has its own story;
      • Obtain sponsorship within the organization and buy-in (quick wins are important)
      • Pricing is a core strategic competence not just a tactic one within marketing
      • Embrace Data Analytics - target pricing algorithms, pricing intelligence, etc
  4. The Exhibit 6. is self-explanatory and is a great infographic over the key roles and responsibilities of any Pricing team.

Solving the Pricing Puzzle (aWealth management example)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

O Crescimento Económico Português: Uma Visão sobre Questões Estruturais, Bloqueios e Reformas

Um livro que lerei no mais curto espaço de tempo para poder obter um retrato estrutural da economia portuguesa (perspetiva da oferta).

Logo que o tenha feito apresentarei um pequeno resumo com as principais ideias/conclusões que retive da sua leitura.

Para quem tenha interesse poderá obter o ebook no link infra.

Mais uma excelente iniciativa do Banco de Portugal

O Crescimento Económico Português: Uma Visão sobre Questões Estruturais, Bloqueios e Reformas

Relantización (significantiva) de la economia Española - Update 10/2019 CÍRCULO DE EMPRESARIOS

El Circulo de Empresarios ha presentado hoy su actualización de Octubre sobre la economía Española, demostrando una fuerte desaceleración (la tercera mayor de los países de OCDE).

Basado en esa información ha revisto en baja sus previsiones para el crecimiento de 2019 y 2020 significativamente, fruto de una desaceleración de la demanda interna,

Para obtener más información os aconsejo la consulta del update integral de su publicación (link abajo)


Do managers add value?

The usefulness of managers

Interesting article from the Economist over the value that managers can bring into organizations, based on a study performed by Stephan Billinger and Stephen Rosenbaum*.

Based on the study:
  • Managers bring value into an organization, as they promoted the collaboration within a group / achieved better results than a randomized control groups without managers;
  • Manager incentives matter both for managers and for workers:
    • Workers become suspicious of managers when incentives are included;
    • Managers react positively to incentives, however incentives might exacerbate the agency problem and promote short-term behaviors (with the company and with its associates).
My conclusions:
  • Managers within a proper framework add value to any organization;
  • The incentives/rewards drive culture and behaviors, thus quintessential to a company success.

*Discretionary mechanisms and co-operation in hierarchies: An experimental study, Journal of Economic Psychology 74

Study on the reading list

Review: O Sonho do Celta

O Sonho do Celta O Sonho do Celta by Mario Vargas Llosa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

O Sonho do Celta apresenta e relata a história de Roger Casement de uma forma vívida, simples e acutilante.

Desconhecia totalmente quem era e a importância que teve na defesa dos direitos humanos no final do século XIX princípios do século XX e o impacto que teve na denuncia dos abusos realizados pelas potências colonizadoras (quer através da ocupação directa e gestão de territórios, quer através do exercício do poder económico)

O livro deu-me a conhecer quem foi e os feitos mais relevantes que realizou durante a sua vida e como lutou pelos seus ideais no Congo, na Amazónia e na Irlanda. Ressalto que este percurso não se deveu a ideias preconcebidas e definidas por uma filosofia estabelecida “ex-ante”, mas como consequência do sentir e viver as injustiças “in loco”, que tendo por base os seu valores morais e éticos o fizerem questionar a realidade em que vivia.

Adicionalmente, o livro também deu-me a conhecer parte da história da independência da Irlanda, que também desconhecia quase na sua totalidade.

O livro é um romance, com tudo o que isso implica, e não é um livro que pretende ser um relato histórico dos acontecimentos, está muito bem escrito e é um romance de leitura fácil e apelativa.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Storytelling With Data

An interesting HBR video on how to put in practice storytelling with good examples, you just have to go through the first 30 seconds of the video and then it is worthwhile.
3 stages:
  1. Setup
  2. Conflict
  3. Resolution (it does not mean to get it solved, but what was the outcome of the problem/conflict)
Afterwards, you can present your hypothesis and propose a solution

Storytelling With Data: A Good Charts Workbook Tool

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Goodyear WinterCommand™ Product Launch Video

On the same subject & related Goodyear Winter tires:
Kim Adams, tyre tester for Auto Express, commented on the tyre’s impressive performance in snowy conditions: “The (UltraGrip) Performance+ dominated our snow tests with an almost two percent advantage over the next best… with a strong front grip and a rear that follows rather than slides through turns. Traction on lock was also impressive in an area where many rivals struggle.”

Automation Isn’t About to Make Truckers Obsolete

Automation Isn’t About to Make Truckers Obsolete

Interesting article on AI and the impact on the auto-industry and specially the trucking activity.

As always in order to fully understand a problem you should analyze in its different workable variables and then make an assessment, is not doomsday (although it will impact several person)but most probably will be a pivotal one specifically for the current truck drivers

How to make your arguments stronger

"...stick to their strongest points; resist the temptation to try besting others with brute force. ..."

"’s important to note that the delivery of your message is every bit as important as its content ..."

"...You cannot increase the quality of an argument by simply increasing the quantity of your argument ..."

On Pricing - how to create value

Why do they sell used books by weight (and what that implies for pricing data)

Interesting and make you think about several industries

Direct Listing vs. IPO

Bill Gurley – Direct Listing vs. IPO - [Invest Like the Best, EP.144]

Great podcast on going public: direct listing vs IPO. Also read the latest blog post money stuff I have shared last week on the same subject (why there is this implicit pop). Let you make your own analysis & opinion

Again on IPO Lessons for Public Market Investors.

Pricing vs. Valuation

Global Economic Prospects: Fall 2019 - PIIE

Global Economic Prospects: Fall 2019

Global slowdown & risk of recession increasing, although not foreseeable for 2020
 Key takeaways:
 - US hit by the fade out of the fiscal stimulus sugar high & trade war impacting overall economy;
 - US evolving to potential (1,8% growth rate)
 - Fed should cut at least 1 more interest rate (probability of BS expansion to resume) - this supported by overall economy (see presentation on US monetary policy)
 - Europe sluggish growth 1% as global trade is stalling specially impacting Germany and Italy based on internal unbalances;
 - Brexit impact already kicking-in with negative consequences (Hard Brexit would make the picture even worse)
 - Potential growth for Europe 1.5% (above forecasts)
 - China 6% growth new normal
 - Japan better than previously expected 0,8%
- Brazil speeding up, but still very contained growth

the 3 presentations bring more color and the conference more insights!


What a great World Cup, one of the best of all times and the game has become so more exciting in the last 20 years! On top the values and ethic presented by more than 95% of the players clearly shows that the culture and environment you are in shape your behavior (specially when we compare with football players- a game that I love, but sometime the player attitudes lacklusters it)

James E. Schrager on GE and “the end of history”

What to read next? Take a look at this curated list

Business Book of the Year Award 2019 — the longlist

Projeções para a Economia Portuguesa 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Review: As Veias Abertas da América Latina

As Veias Abertas da América Latina As Veias Abertas da América Latina by Eduardo Galeano
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Relato perturbador da evolução da América Latina nos últimos 500 anos em termos económicos e sociais. 

É um livro bastante provocador, bem escrito e fundamentado que nos apresenta a maldição que a riqueza dos recursos naturais da América Latina gerou no seu desenvolvimento. 

É uma critica profunda ao colonialismo histórico (de Espanha, Portugal, Inglaterra e Holanda) e o comportamento actual dos EUA, como potência dominante 

Basta 30% daquilo que foi apresentado, em especial nos últimos 50 anos do livro ser veraz para nos deixar incomodados e a pensar no contexto da geopolítica global actual (e não parece ser algo totalmente irrealista). 

Por vezes senti-me incomodado durante a leitura com as situações descrita pela sua dureza e aderência à realidade e porque as justificações apresentadas têm sentido e não parecem despropositadas e com uma coerência assustadora. 

Dito isto, devemos tratar o apresentado com pensamento critico e buscar versões contrárias para poder formar a nossa opinião de uma forma equilibrada, por exemplo as alternativas apresentadas com "idílicas" também não o são, como podemos ver nos exemplos de Cuba, Venezuela e Bolívia.

Esse enviesamento é notório (até justificável na altura em que foi escrito -qual grito de revolta) e devemos estar conscientes do mesmo para não sermos dogmáticos no nosso pensamento. 

Foi um livro que gostei muito de ler, que recomendo a todos (progressistas e conservadores:-) ) e que me deu uma perspectiva diferente, lúcida e acutilante sobre um problema que viveu e vive a América Latina, África e por vezes e em parte podemos constatar também na Europa. 

ps- a tradução não é a melhor e foi feita em Português-Brasileiro, logo caso o possam ler em Espanhol ou outra versão com uma traduçao melhor seria aconselhável.

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Review: Due Diligence: The Critical Stage in Mergers and Acquisitions

Due Diligence: The Critical Stage in Mergers and Acquisitions Due Diligence: The Critical Stage in Mergers and Acquisitions by Peter Howson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Read this book to get a quick refresher and also to allow me to structure my knowledge on Due Diligence. I achieved both objectives. Not bad!

The book is a good guidance on the subject and makes you think through different lenses/areas of expertise the basics of this important and more often than not difficult phase of every M&A project.

It provides you practical watch-outs and leads you through the main areas of a Due Diligence and presents the main objectives, activities that should be undertaken & discloses the main risks and concerns.

For the areas where you are not an expert, it brings awareness of what you should expect and allows you to have an educated conversation with the subject matter expert on the required deliverables.

The check lists presented are a good tool, nonetheless the main one on appendix A should have been organized by area and not has it was disclosed (it seems randomly made).

Finally, i think what is called Commercial Due Diligence should have been named Strategic Due Diligence and the area of Risk is clearly lacking inputs and it's significantly below the other chapters of the books.

ps - due to the author nationality, the subjects presented are clearly skewed from an UK perspective, but that does not undermines the quality and insights conveyed.

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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Review: Managing Risk and Uncertainty

Managing Risk and Uncertainty Managing Risk and Uncertainty by Richard Friberg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I took a couple of days after reading this book to provide my rating and this review. I did it on purpose so i could mature the idea of what to write and how to rate it. Looking back it was a wise decision as the rating will be higher today if i did it immediately after (in fact would be a 3,5 stars).

I got this book by chance, while looking for books on risk, and the thing that made me read it was its synopsis and coming from MIT press, most probably I'm one of the few that did it (looking at goodreads jhistoric and even the information available on Amazon).

So why did i like it:
- Presented in an operational framework on how to think about risk and uncertainty and how to manage it, through different lenses and specific areas within a company;
- Ran through several areas related with risk & uncertainty (finance, economics, pricing, forecasting, behavioral science) explaining the basics and also disclosing the sources of it synthesis that allows a interested reader to deepen his knowledge in case he finds it appropriate (i will do it myself in a couple of areas);
- Disclosed the how the author thinks and approaches risks and uncertainty and you can use (always adding your critical reasoning and experience) to your day-to-day live. The 4 main strategies are a great starting point, at least how to structure it
- It requires (and can be a severe handicap for the ones not with sufficient literacy) at least a intermediate level of economic and finance knowledge to not get lost in quite a few areas. It made me revisit several concepts that i did not thought and operacionalize for a long time.

What i did not like:
- the books loses when it tries to be also a text book. Gets caught on the midst of a technical book with a specific body of knowledge, and a text book to support specific lectures on risk and uncertainty;
- The online resources are not currently available, that hamper the full resources that should be available;
- The examples that are quite good and insightful but could be complemented with additional examples (fully explained and resolved) and solution on the online resources.

I do think it was time worth spent reading it and for people that would like to broaden their horizons on this topic I do recommend its reading. I know that I will use specific areas of knowledge presented on my daily professional activity.

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Review: Teoria Geral do Esquecimento

Teoria Geral do Esquecimento Teoria Geral do Esquecimento by José Eduardo Agualusa
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Um livro de fácil leitura e que nos apresenta um conjunto de pequenas histórias que afluem na historia principal de Ludovica Fernandes Mano.

Apresenta uma realidade "metaforizada" da independência de Angola, onde se apresentam temas relevantes e mesmo chocantes da sociedade Angolana de uma forma simples e ao mesmo tempo impactante (em especial por aquilo que fica por dizer),

A história de Ludo, como rio grande que é, incorpora nas suas margens todas as pequenas histórias que enriquecem a narrativa e nos fazem percorrer 30 anos de história contemporânea (bem sei que tem de passar pelos menos 50 anos para assim ser considerada formalmente...) de uma forma simples e bem escrita,

Excelente livro para uma tarde de verão.

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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One of the best books i have read (nonfictional), due to all the knowledge it conveys and also the way it's written -simple, clear and sound - with direct impact on your day-to-day life.

It explains how you make decisions and how you can mitigate your unintended mistakes (cognitive and emotional), by creating barriers/processes, when appropriate, to guide you through (system 1 and system 2). Its also discloses:
- several behavioral cognitive biases (with sound and surprising examples);
- presents the way you make choices (prospect theory, risk aversion and risk seeking and its fundamentals, among others);
-distinguishes the Humans (us) and Econs (the humans as per the in classic economic theory - Rational Economic Man) and finally;
- differentiates between the "experience self" and the "remembering self" and its sound implication on decision making.

A book i will always keep at hand, so i can easily consult/read/study it again and again, because after you read it you become aware of the daily mental flaws, but you will be pushed to continue to persevere on the same mistakes/misbehaviors.

Highly recommend its reading (or even study) for all readers, not only people interested in psychology, finance, economics, etc...

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Review: O Coro dos Defuntos

O Coro dos Defuntos O Coro dos Defuntos by António Tavares
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Um retrato da vida rural ente 1965-1975 apresentado de uma forma simples, mas ao mesmo tempo complexa, mostrando as fortes diferenças existentes (mundo/cidade vs. aldeia) e como uma comunidade rural as enquadra no seu dia-a-dia.

Gosto como o fio condutor de acontecimentos históricos une a narrativa e nos apresenta a evolução dessa mesma comunidade e de cada um dos seus membros.

Comunidade essa que ainda a vivi e que consigo tão facilmente reencontrar em cada uma das personagens e no seu todo.

Recomendo a leitura deste pequeno e saboroso livro

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Review: Optimismo e Não Desespero

Optimismo e Não Desespero Optimismo e Não Desespero by Noam Chomsky
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Trata-se, apenas, de uma compilação de entrevistas ao Noam que apresentam de uma forma, creio, superficial a sua forma de pensar sobre assuntos mt concretos .

As perguntas são realizadas de uma forma claramente enviesada e por vezes o entrevistador parece mais interessado em demonstrar o seu pensamento e menos em saber a real resposta do entrevistado. Acredito que o próprio nome da publicação onde foram apresentadas diz mt sobre a sua natureza "Truthout".

Concordo com alguns dos pilares enunciados pelo Noam e discordo da maioria, mas parece-me que a sua opinião é fundada no estudo dos factos e conhecimento existentes e que depois são trabalhados através da sua "filosofia" e conhecimento, logo podem ser discutidos e analisados (não é dogmático e radical como o seu entrevistador)

Este livro criou a possibilidade de num futuro estar disposto a ler um livro do Noam, para entender o seu trabalho e o seu pensamento político.

De todo o livro a parte que mais gostei foi a relacionado com o seu trabalho linguístico (da página 207 à 215), sendo que as restantes 200 páginas tornam-se repetitivas (bastaria ler as primeiras 50 para saber o conteúdo das demais 150).

Por fim, o poema do Mário Cesariny "Entre nós e as palavras" que está tb está nesta edição é sem dúvida uma delícia,

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Friday, May 3, 2019

Review: How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A book that was recommended by several persons (friends, acquaintances & personal influencers), dated from 1930 just met my expectation (no more or less than that). It has interesting principles and advises that one should be aware and follow with a "big" grain of salt and dose of critical thinking.

It's well written, structured and clearly states its objectives. The examples and anecdotes that support the rationale and underlying messages & takeaways are just that and for sure there are plenty that one could mention contrarian to the principles disclosed.

Do admit that this book has to be framed and evaluated under the 1930 management prevailing style (direct and control leadership) and i'm sure it brought to the discussion several new ideas/principles that later became new leadership styles (supporting, delegation and even coaching).

It's a good read, although would not meet my "strongly recommended book" threshold.

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Review: Négocier avec succès : Préparer, piloter et réussir ses négociations

Négocier avec succès : Préparer, piloter et réussir ses négociations Négocier avec succès : Préparer, piloter et réussir ses négociations by Maurice Hamon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cette livre m’a été recommandée pour un ami et il fut une très agréable surprise. Il aborde la thématique de la négociation seulement en 167 pages y m’a enseigné 3/4 concepts pratique y méthodes de facile utilisation pendant tout le procès de négociation.

De touts les concepts présentée je devrais souligner pour su applicabilité et pertinence los suivants:
- La grille de analyse stratégique où en un simple graph nous pouvons définie y délimiter le contexte de une négociation. Néanmoins, je croix que il serait mais visuelle si la dimension Attitudes a été réfléchi en cette grille de la façon inverse (i.e. Combatif, Diplomate, Conciliant), donc le area de négociation augmenterait dans une négociation Conciliant et Convergent, cela me semble plus adapté a la réalité et a los concepts de la géométrie;
- La grille de analyses per se où se identifie pour chacun Objectif las Position Affichée Initiales, les Point de Rupture et son Utilités (la dernière notion en effet trés important) et les graphs que quelqu’un peut dessiner,

Pour moi la principale difficulté a été le français, c'est un idiome que je ne maitrise pas, donc un obstacle tout cette exercice.

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Monday, January 28, 2019

Review: 1984

1984 1984 by George Orwell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great inspiration, foresight and the creation of this parallel world so close to us nowadays, as it was to George back at the late 40's (Nazism and Communism), it's brilliant!

Astounding critic to totalitarian regimes, societies and also way-of-thinking (depending on the level you want to go and your circumstances).

With such an extraordinary eco-system it is somewhat easy to think that the story-line does not match such masterful stage setting.

Strongly recommend its reading and never forget who controls the present, also controls the past!

So true.

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Review: The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by John Maynard Keynes
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

From an economic standpoint it was a book that disclosed several new ideas and concepts that challenged the accepted body of knowledge (classical perspective) related with unemployment, interest and money. Made me think about the classical point-of-view on these subjects and what you still learn in economy classes (as an university freshman) and has enriched the discussion on subjects at hand. Gave a multidimensional perspectives to problems that were previously considered in a simplistic way. It also presents the basics for behavioral economics relevance on the daily economic decisions, a topic so trendy these days

The problem is that most policy makers when defining policies in these areas stay with the 101 classical perspective and do not take a more holistic approach, whereby a multi-factor variables and potential impact should be considered.

Do not advise it for someone that does not have the basic/medium economic knowledge, his writing is not the most exciting one, the structure of the text, within the chapters, does not help, thus i must confess that i struggled to finish it (having stopped and restarted its reading several times did not help neither). Will let this book rest for a couple of months and eventually will come back to it to see if i can take advantage of its insights (that are undeniable) in a better way.

Do not recommend this Kindly version, several typos and also a missing important chart.

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