Saturday, October 19, 2019

IMF - Europe 18/10/2019

IMF - Europe 18/10/2019 takeaways:

  • Slowdown across advanced Europe from 1,4% to 1.3% specially in Germany, Italy and UK, due to trade tensions and Brexit. 2020 modest recovery of the grwoth rate to 1,5%;
  • Demand is strong and it's underpinned by a strong labor market;
  • Fiscal policy should be used for the countries with potential expansionary policy slack (Germany / Netherlands) however there are countries that still should be focusing on fiscal consolidation (southern countries);
  • Monetary policy should be accommodative as is being implemented by ECB to avoid a recession, however such policy is depletive of potential future monetary policies;
  • Emerging Europe is also reducing its growth prospects, still expected to grow at 3,7% and on 2020 at 3,1%;
  • Long-term problems remain - productivity and demographics in advanced Europe should be addressed and  Emerging Europe should improve macro-economic policies to tackle structural problems and promote institutions reforms & its governance k«

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