Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Do managers add value?

The usefulness of managers

Interesting article from the Economist over the value that managers can bring into organizations, based on a study performed by Stephan Billinger and Stephen Rosenbaum*.

Based on the study:
  • Managers bring value into an organization, as they promoted the collaboration within a group / achieved better results than a randomized control groups without managers;
  • Manager incentives matter both for managers and for workers:
    • Workers become suspicious of managers when incentives are included;
    • Managers react positively to incentives, however incentives might exacerbate the agency problem and promote short-term behaviors (with the company and with its associates).
My conclusions:
  • Managers within a proper framework add value to any organization;
  • The incentives/rewards drive culture and behaviors, thus quintessential to a company success.

*Discretionary mechanisms and co-operation in hierarchies: An experimental study, Journal of Economic Psychology 74

Study on the reading list

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