Monday, June 3, 2024

The relevance of being a good follower!

An interesting and insightful article on the importance of being a good follower. Everyone talks and writes about on how to be a leader, but if all are leaders, then who will you lead:-)? At the end of day, you are a more likely to be a follower than a leader (e.g. what is the CEO ratio to all employees?). Key traits to be a good follower: Proactivity Challenge the leader by thinking for yourself and present you point of views, Give constructive criticism, Be positive, Be energetic. In a nutshell. behave like a leader in waiting. Below you can follow the path to the Economist article on the subject :-). “…As the British Army, a rare example of an organisation that has an explicit doctrine of followership, puts it, “To follow effectively…is a choice.” …” How to be a good follower from The Economist

- Pedro

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