Sunday, June 9, 2024

How to write a good CV - 8 key insights

The second post I make in the last 15 days, now in English the former was based on an “El Pais” article -, thus in Spanish, related on how to write a good CV, based on an Economist’s article that I found very interesting and useful for all the ones pursuing a new job. Key insights: Your resumé is not extended list of everything you have done in the past; it is rather a marketing tool. On average a recruitment professional takes 7 seconds making an initial assessment and selection of the received CV, thus every relevant word per second counts, Make it user friendly and nice to read→ use a clean, simple format. Less is more! Eliminate typos, avoid clichés… Don’t forget to include your contacts :-) (strangely enough sometimes it happens) Take time to develop it, condense and filter it as much as you can. Using Saint-Exupery quote (by memory) “It will be perfect not when you cannot add anything else, but when you cannot remove anything from the document”. Adapt your CV to the company you are applying, tweaking it to the industry, company or job you are applying, Quantify, if possible, your accomplishments. Hope it can be useful and happy readings! How to write the perfect CV from The Economist

- Pedro

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