Saturday, May 11, 2024

Jobs to be done - Great Customer Confidential podcast with Eckhart Boehme & my view on it within the Tire Industry

A great Customer Confidential podcast with Eckhart Boehme related with Clayton Christensen’s framework of “Jobs to be done". This framework (more on it on the below links) is one of my favorites and one I always try to apply throughout my thinking canvas and to my daily job. It can be boiled down on difference of doing the “right thing” or “doing things” right. An example “close to my heart” related with the tire industry that I like to mention is the following: is the tire industry end game to provide tires to cars and its customers or consumers, or is it in the business of providing a safe, reliable and consistent mobility and a privileged data provider to the end-consumer and OE customers on such mobility journey? Depending how you answer that question, you will create a completely different strategy, go-to market and deployment of your assets! Think you know where I stand in this crossroad :-). The 5-step process proposed by Eckart is the following: Determine the project scope - from who do you want to learn the job to be done, Interview and observe - get beyond of what the consumers say to what they actually do, Identify patterns in what you have observed, Prioritized framework - functional & emotional needs Develop solutions - value proposition and promote alignment. Very similar to the scientific method. Invest 30 minutes to listen to this this podcast and couple of more to read the below articles and videos. What if the key to creating truly innovative products and solutions lies at least as much in uncovering the deep emotional and attitudinal needs of your customers as in mastering technology? Eckhart Boehme, founder and managing director of Unipro Solutions, shares his approach to putting Clayton Christensen’s Jobs to Be Done framework into practical use. Eckhart demonstrates how in-depth interviews with customers and their families can reveal the underlying personal experiences, emotions, and desires that truly motivate people to seek out and purchase products or services. With these insights in hand, companies often uncover fundamentally different needs than they first anticipated, sometimes even opening up new markets or uses for their products. We also discuss Eckhart’s Wheel of Progress model, which he designed to reveal the hidden layers of reasoning behind customer decisions. It provides a systematic way to deconstruct customer narratives and identify the jobs that are most likely to drive customer decisions along their cyclical journeys. Learn how this model segments the customer journey into phases of motivation, decision-making, and action. He brings this all to life with a compelling case study about finding a senior living place for an elderly loved one, revealing a hidden but critical job to be done: giving the elderly parent a sense of purpose. Our conversation also lays bare some common pitfalls when applying the Jobs to Be Done framework, such as focusing too narrowly on functional jobs while missing the bigger picture of the customer's overarching goals and emotional needs.

- Pedro

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