Thursday, May 9, 2024

How Companies Got So Good at M&A by Bain & Company

Very interesting article by Bain & Company on how companies got better in their M&A activity. Agree with the main conclusions and take-aways why M&A is generating more value to the acquirer (better due-diligence, broader scope, more small deals, avoid big one-shots, a derivative of corporate strategy, creation of dedicated teams for M&A and integrations phases, etc...).The only question mark is the control groups of graphic 1, are we comparing similar companies or the ones with inactive or infrequent are companies that have a worse starting point, thus no access to funding to perform M&A, thus naturally with lower TSR on the long-run? Were the control groups streamlined so we are comparing properly the 3 groups, i.e. sound companies that could have done M&A and decided not to do it?

- Pedro

Read on Substack

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