Sunday, April 21, 2024

WEO - April 2024 - > “Soft”, “Slow” and “Scarred”

WEO - April 2024 - > “Soft”, “Slow” and “Scarred” Key takeaways Fears of stagflation and global recession are materially subsiding World GDP 3.2% for 2024 and 3.2% for 2025, despite a tightened monetary policy to control inflation, Global inflation projected to decline, 2024 US GDP projected to be sound → 2.7% 2024, China → 4.6% and EuroArea only → 0.8%, UK→0,5% Main Risks → inflation can persist, financial sector woes, geopolitical tensions, disruptive fiscal adjustments. press briefing → WEO 2024

- Pedro

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