Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Starting a new book! - Value-based Pricing : 12 Lessons to Make Your Transformation Successful by Stephan M. Liozu

Starting a new book! Value-based Pricing : 12 Lessons to Make Your Transformation Successful by Stephan M. Liozu Pricing Book Club - book #1 “…This is Stephan Liozu’s fifteenth book on value and pricing management. It offers a deep dive into value-based pricing methodology, focusing on what it takes to successfully conduct value-based pricing transformations and large-scale initiatives. Stephan shares his extensive knowledge and the lessons he has accumulated over 15 years of work, study, and writing on this topic. Having worked on a dozen value-based pricing transformations, he presents 12 crucial lessons that can help pricing leaders and practitioners design and execute value-based pricing more effectively. This book follows Stephan’s 2016 book Dollarizing Differentiation Value, which provides a more technical and methodological perspective on value-based pricing. Value-based pricing is not suitable for every organization. Some companies may benefit more from improving their cost-based pricing and pricing discipline. Others should focus on building a strong foundation in customer centricity and competitive understanding before embarking on a value-based pricing journey. This book provides a realistic view of what it takes to undertake such a journey. Its purpose is not to advocate for universal adoption of value-based pricing, but to discuss the prerequisites, conditions, and key success factors necessary for pursuing it, without guaranteeing success. This is the challenge. While cost-based pricing can have an immediate impact, investing in value-based pricing requires a higher upfront cost with no clear guarantee of positive results. This presents a conundrum. However, companies that have fully invested in value-based pricing and followed most of these lessons have experienced great success in their transformations. Value-based pricing, when combined with excellence in business strategy and innovation, can help companies achieve unprecedented levels of operating income. These 12 lessons have been tested in several workshops at professional pricing conferences and have resonated with many pricing practitioners. I hope they will resonate with you too. Enjoy the journey! …” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217771598-value-based-pricing?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=5giUlRpf6C&rank=2

- Pedro

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