Saturday, September 12, 2020

Review: Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed

Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed by Geoffrey Edward Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A small handbook that explains in a simple way 50 economic concepts that usually people get it wrong.

The book was written in a way that someone that is not an expert in the field can easily read it and understand its concepts and the main flaws commonly assumed.

The big problem about these fallacies is that they are widely used by policy makers and politicians, sometimes knowingly or in some case due to ignorance. to promote their conservative, progressive or libertarian ideas (you have it for all tastes).

Strongly advise all (specially the 2 groups previously highlighted) to read this book and that all keep it handy when you hear so called pundits talking about these key economic principles.

The only caveats that i could find while reading it were:
1) The book is strongly biased to the UK reality, that from a fallacies perspective is not a problem, but it explain them almost only with British examples;
2) The author has some unresolved issue with Gordon Brown when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

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