Sunday, November 12, 2023

How to be a better boss - Economist webinar with Amy Edmondson and Claire Hughes (highly recommend it)

My takeaways from this great webinar:

a. Most common mistakes made by managers/leaders:

  1. Double down on outcomes/performance in turbulent times (when experimentation and innovation are paramount to improve)
  2. Lack of honest and direct feedback

b. Conflict management:

  1. Problems do not age well

c. While hiring:

  1. search for learners
  2. make the same interview process to all candidates so it can be comparable (make it a thoughtful process).

d. on meetings:

  1. clarity of objectives.
  2. time bounded,
  3. should be led (by inquiry),
  4. if you are there is because you are needed, thus 100% of focus is required,
  5. should be heavy on inquiry,
  6. should be disciplined.
  7. you should feel that by attending the meeting you are getting smarter and not older.


How to be a better boss

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