Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Quotes - Economic forecasts without underlying structure- The signal and the noise - Silver

 “…in contrast, if you just look at the economy as a series of variables and equations without any underlying structure, you are almost certain to mistake noise for a signal and may delude yourself (and gullible investors) into thinking you are making good forecasts when you are not. …”

“…. Who needs theory when you have so much information? But this is categorically the wrong attitude to take toward forecasting, especially in a filed like economics where the data is so noisy. Statistical inferences are much stronger when backed up by theory or at least some deeper thinking about their root causes….”

Quote - Economic Forecasters conundrum - The signal and the noise - Silver

 “…economic forecasters face three fundamental challenges.

First, it is very hard to determine cause and effect from economic statistics alone. Second, the economy is always changing, so explanations of economic behavior that hold in one business cycle may not apply to future ones. And third, as bad as their forecasts have been, the data that economists have to work with isn't much good either. …”

Sunday, October 29, 2023

If Humility Is So Important, Why Are Leaders So Arrogant?

What a great question and some potential answers are explained in the attached HBR article.

Is humility and humbleness so important in a leader? would say it depends, but the evidence is definitively contrarian to such claim (or it might be my representativeness bias kicking in, as the louder and histrionic CEOs get media attention).

 If Humility Is So Important, Why Are Leaders So Arrogant?

Generative AI chats (great tools but use it with caution)

 Example below see the print screens (are ordered top/down)

Is the automotive industry facing the first signs of a Kodak moment?

 something that should be analyzed in more depth in a future post.

China approves the world’s first flying taxi (economist.com


Playing with generative AI

 Playing with generative AI to create images! Really breathtaking…

Israel / Hamas conflit 10/2023

Une intervention claire, mature et équilibrée. L'usage de la force ne fonctionne que lorsqu'il sert une stratégie politique pour résoudre une situation aussi complexe que ce conflit. 



Great complement to the book I’m reading from Nate Silver!

 Great complement to the book I’m reading from Nate Silver!


Saturday, October 28, 2023


Heineken "Worlds apart" by Publicis London, bridging between people

Brilliant experiment!

Something to ponder specially nowadays-

#dei #inclusion #diversity #freethinking

Beyond Euclid - #102

Always worth reading! Highly recommend it every week.

Beyond Euclid -  #102 - Beyond Euclid (substack.com)

#steam #newsletter

Are America’s CEOs overpaid? - by the Economist

 Long gone are the days of Drucker's recommendation:

“I have often advised managers that a 20-to-1 salary ratio is the limit beyond which they cannot go if they don’t want resentment and falling morale to hit their companies”. - Drucker

My opinion (as almost in everything) is that the right price should be attached to the value that can be created (at relative terms vs. the best alternative). So, it is the avg $14m/year fair?

Depends on the value that is generated by each in relative terms and as long there is a competitive market behind, otherwise it could be considered rent-seeking 😀. Leave it up to you to assess!

Recommend its reading!

#compensation #finance #corporate

Library - New Book

Added to the library The Power of US