Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Review: International Business Communication Standards: Conceptual, Perceptual, and Semantic Design of Comprehensible Business Reports, Presentations, and Dashboards

International Business Communication Standards: Conceptual, Perceptual, and Semantic Design of Comprehensible Business Reports, Presentations, and Dashboards International Business Communication Standards: Conceptual, Perceptual, and Semantic Design of Comprehensible Business Reports, Presentations, and Dashboards by Rolf Hichert
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A great small hand(y)book on how to create, develop and present business reports.

It lays-out a set of simple and thorough standards on business communication, also covering the necessary and required theory to frame the main concepts (it also guides you where to find more fundamental knowledge if you find appropriate).

It's really an hands-on book with lots of examples, suggestions and tips that you can immediately apply to your reports, some simple and other more elaborated but all grounded in key simple and valuable principles.

Made me think critically on several reports I'm using and will definitely promote some changes based on this insights and knowledge i got while reading it. Will have it by my side every time i will be creating or reviewing a business report and whatever business communication.

A spillover of the reading this book, is that I have decided to reread the book "The Pyramid Principle", it's been a while that i did it and refresher will be helpful.

Strongly recommend its reading to all interested on this subject.  

View all my reviews

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