Sunday, May 24, 2020

Review: Esteja eu onde estiver

Esteja eu onde estiver Esteja eu onde estiver by Romana Petri
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Livro de fácil leitura...mas apenas isso.

Uma história sobre uma família como muitas outras, tem o adicional de passar-se em Lisboa num tempo não tão distante e em parte do enredo poder identificar(-me) algumas situaçoes.

570 páginas de livro que confesso que terminei com alguma dificuldade, não porque fosse uma leitura difícl/penosa, mas porque a história ficou previsível e com pouco ritmo.

Caso nao tenha mais nada que ler, queira passar algum tempo e queira algo mt leve, este livro poderá ser uma opção, contudo existem outros livros ou actividades que devem ser equacionadas antes de começar esta "empreitada".

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Review: The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides

The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides by Arnold Kling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great (small/efficient< 150 pages) book, it explains in a simple and concise way the basics of the major political divide and why the majority tend to go to the extremes while debating it and be so intransigent to the others who see differently from us and finally why in the public domain it's so difficult to have a sound and value-added discussion about politics and policy options,

Don't expect it to be an in-depth political science book, but one that tries to explain the divide, one that lays the foundation of the communication (languages) problems and how we could start changing the current status.

The 3 axis are heuristics/rules of thumb of the 3 main political tendencies and should not be seen as an extensive portrait of each spectrum (they, are used to exemplify, sometimes to the extreme, why we cannot understand each other and find a common ground.

Its simplicity, objectivity and capacity to convey the thesis that the author presents (and that i fully relate to), coupled with a great capacity of synthesis, not extending beyond the fundamental of your argument (in area that could push you to do so), made me give a 5 stars rating.

Strongly advise its reading as its reach and insights will last way more that the time you will invest in it, and it's applicable not only to politics but other areas,

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