Monday, January 28, 2019

Review: 1984

1984 1984 by George Orwell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great inspiration, foresight and the creation of this parallel world so close to us nowadays, as it was to George back at the late 40's (Nazism and Communism), it's brilliant!

Astounding critic to totalitarian regimes, societies and also way-of-thinking (depending on the level you want to go and your circumstances).

With such an extraordinary eco-system it is somewhat easy to think that the story-line does not match such masterful stage setting.

Strongly recommend its reading and never forget who controls the present, also controls the past!

So true.

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Review: The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by John Maynard Keynes
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

From an economic standpoint it was a book that disclosed several new ideas and concepts that challenged the accepted body of knowledge (classical perspective) related with unemployment, interest and money. Made me think about the classical point-of-view on these subjects and what you still learn in economy classes (as an university freshman) and has enriched the discussion on subjects at hand. Gave a multidimensional perspectives to problems that were previously considered in a simplistic way. It also presents the basics for behavioral economics relevance on the daily economic decisions, a topic so trendy these days

The problem is that most policy makers when defining policies in these areas stay with the 101 classical perspective and do not take a more holistic approach, whereby a multi-factor variables and potential impact should be considered.

Do not advise it for someone that does not have the basic/medium economic knowledge, his writing is not the most exciting one, the structure of the text, within the chapters, does not help, thus i must confess that i struggled to finish it (having stopped and restarted its reading several times did not help neither). Will let this book rest for a couple of months and eventually will come back to it to see if i can take advantage of its insights (that are undeniable) in a better way.

Do not recommend this Kindly version, several typos and also a missing important chart.

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